1/1 LC | Left Cross: Sl1 st, place on cn and hold at front. K1, k1 from cn |
1/1 RC | Right Cross: Sl1 st, place on cn and hold at back. K1, k1 from cn |
approx | approximately |
beg | beginning; begin; begins |
bet | between |
BO | bind off |
BOR | Beginning of Row/Round |
CC | contrast color |
cdd | central double decrease: slip 2 as if to knit 2 together, k1, pass 2 slipped sts over knit st |
cddp | central double decrease purl: slip 2 sts as if to p2togtbl, p1, pass 2 slipped sts tog over purl st |
cm | centimeter(s) |
cn | cable needle |
CO | cast on |
cont | continue(s); continuing |
dec | decrease |
dpn(s) | double pointed needle(s) |
fol | following; follows |
g | grams |
inc | increase |
incl | including |
k | knit |
k2tog | knit two together |
k3tog | knit three together |
kfb | knit into front and back of stitch |
ktbl | knit through back loop |
k2togtbl | knit two together through back loop |
kwise | knitwise |
LSSC | Place slipped st on cn and hold to the front; k1, p1, k st from cn. |
lli | left lifted increase (see our tutorial on lifted increases) |
mm | millimeter/s |
m1, m1L | with left needle, pick up strand between needles from front to back, and knit it through the back loop |
m1R | with left needle, pick up strand between needles from back to front, and knit it through the front loop |
m1P | with left needle, lift strand between needles from back to front, and purl it through the front loop |
oz | ounce(s) |
p | purl |
p2tog | purl two together |
p2togtbl | purl two together through the back loop |
p3tog | purl three together |
patt(s) | pattern(s) |
pfb | purl into front and back of stitch |
pm | place marker |
psso | pass slipped stitch over |
p2sso | pass 2 slipped stitches over |
pu and knit | pick up and knit |
pwise | purlwise |
rem | remaining |
rem | remaining |
rep | repeat; repeating |
rev st st | reverse stockinette stitch |
rli | right lifted increase (see our tutorial on lifted increases) |
rm | remove marker |
rnd(s) | round(s) |
rs | right side |
RSSC | Place 2 sts on cn and hold to the back; k slipped st; p1, k1 from cn. |
skpsso | slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over |
sk2psso | slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over |
sl1k | slip 1 stitch knitwise |
sl1p | slip 1 stitch purlwise |
sl st | slip stitch (slip stitch purlwise unless otherwise noted) |
sm | slip marker |
ssk | slip 2 stitches as if to knit, pass the stitches to the left needle, knit both stitches together through the back loop; 1 st dec’d |
sssk | slip 3 stitches as if to knit, pass the stitches to the left needle, knit all 3 stitches together through the back loop; 2 sts dec’d |
ssp | With yarn in front, slip 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Return both stitches to the left needle and purl the two stitches together through their back loops |
st(s) | stitch(es) |
st st | stockinette stitch |
tbl | through back loop |
tog | together |
w&t | wrap and turn {see our tutorial} |
wpi | wraps per inch |
wyb | with yarn in back |
wyf | with yarn in front |
ws | wrong side |
yd(s) | yard(s) |
yo | yarn over |
** | repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as indicated |
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