Many of you said you were uncomfortable about having to roll a die for the AOE socks.
This seems like an easy concern to overcome so we wanted to talk about it here today.
Dice Rolling is Easy
Rolling the dice is just a way to randomize the cables and lace bits so your socks come out uniquely yours.
But I don’t want a random sock
You have a couple options here.
If you want to make matching socks for the right and left foot, just write down what you get when knitting the first sock. Chloé (the designer) has even made it easy to do each sock symmetrically so they match but they move in opposite directions. Don’t understand what I mean? Here’s the chart for the Dungeon Master stitch pattern:
Chloé gives you directions for each leg on Round 6 so you can point the cable in the opposite direction. If you were to knit both socks using the same numbers – let’s say you got 4, 2, 6 – you would knit:
Right Leg
Row 4
Row 2
Row 6 (right leg)
Left Leg
Row 4
Row 2
Row 6 (left leg)
This way you get two socks that are mirror images of each other.
She also give you two different cables for the Level Up stitch pattern – one for each leg. Just keep track and use the other chart when you work the other leg.
I don’t have dice
This is an easy one. If you don’t have a die, use one of the online random number generators instead. We link to but there are plenty of others. The important thing is that you ask it to give you random numbers between 1 and 6 (just like a die). These are the only numbers you’ll see in the charts.
Just do it
Don’t let a silly die stand between you and making a gorgeous pair of socks. Give the AOE socks a try.
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