Supple hands that don’t look like an alligator or snag on clothing and napkins – or worse yet, yarn. We all want nicer looking hands. They say that hands show the true age of a person. Plus, when I’m crafting, the last thing I want to do is fight with yarn that’s getting stuck to my hands.
A Little About Love & Leche
Once I read a little about them I was hooked. Here’s a bit from their web site:
Leche (pronounced “lay-chay”) is the Spanish word for milk. It’s what babies ask their mothers for (when they can talk!) and what I get from the goats, and what makes your skin feel so good when you use my soap. And of course, we all know what Love is . . .
And then a little more about how their lotion bars and soaps started:
My business was inspired by living a very modest, but satisfying Farm Life out in Glorieta, 20 minutes outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. A typical day went like this:
“Every day I go out to milk my ‘girls.’ They greet me with a range of personalities: gentle, loud and demanding, patient, surly. They always appreciate being fed and scratched, and, with no sense of personal space, rub and push against me; I am part of the herd. In exchange for my caring for them, they give me their milk—rich, frothy, white and oh-so-fresh! Then there are the bees. Those girls are buzzing in and out, very busy, ignoring me. But when I open the hive every couple of weeks in the summer, I am greeted with a stunning gift of warm, sweet, golden honey—it seems too good to be true. Into the house these precious products come, and how can I describe the satisfaction and pride I feel as I watch my children dip their fingers into fresh honey, chew on beeswax, and drink fresh, cold milk? This milk, honey and beeswax goes right into my soap and lotion bars . . . and then I get to watch the delight and wonder on customers’ faces when they find out just what is in these products and where it came from! It is an honor to be able to share this bounty with strangers. . . who soon become loyal customers and friends.”
How can you not feel the love when you use a Love & Leche bar? Both the quality of their ingredients and their story.
Using a Love & Leche Lotion Bar
Love & Leche has so many great scents – Cedarwood, Citrus-Rose, Lavender, Lavender-Mint, Lavender Rosemary, Lemongrass or Unscented. I picked the Lavender-Mint scent in the lotion bar. I really like the scents of lavender and mint together, and hello – a convenient lotion that I can keep in a tin on my desk. Need I say more?
I love the scent and the convenience of keeping this on my desk. It also doesn’t wash off after washing my hands. In fact, I even had some beads of water on my hands after washing them.
I can also see putting one in my crafting cabinet so I have it available to me whenever I need it.
I have no idea how long it will last, but I’ve been using it several times a day and it barely looks like it’s getting smaller. I expect this lotion bar to last quite a while.
I did have an issue with the way my hands felt after using it at first. I used too much and they felt a bit greasy. But since then I learned to use less when I won’t be handling yarn and that’s made a big difference. Just like they said, the moisture melted into my skin and my hands felt great! My cuticles too. And that was a surprise – I didn’t expect it to do anything for my cuticles.
I also like the scent but I can see it conflicting with my perfume too. In those cases I think I’ll go with the Unscented Bar. I like the idea of the unscented because I’ve never owned a lotion that’s unscented, and given my experience with this I can definitely see trying it out as well. It’s only a matter of time before I try the unscented one too!
Free Gift with Purchase
If you don’t want to wait, you can buy yours now. Love & Leche gave us a special code to use – knotions – and you’ll get a free mini lotion bar (pictured to the right) with your purchase of $15 or more.
Try one of their soaps or balms and get a free mini lotion bar too!
Support a good company and get a quality product at the same time! A win-win.
If you’re interested in trying it out for free – just leave a comment here and you’ll be entered for a chance to win your own lotion bar (in the scent of your choice).
The fine print: Leaving a comment here subscribes you to both the Knotions and Love & Leche Newsletters. You can unsubscribe from either though at any time. This giveaway runs through the month of November, 2017. Leave your comment by 11:59pm ET on November 30, 2017 to be entered. Open to winners in the U.S., and Canada.
Good luck! And happy hands!
I love lotion bars because they don’t leak!
I would love the lavender/mint sample!
I like the concept of lotion bar. Does it stay greasy, or get absorbed? Lavender is a soothing scent.
I would really love to win this! My skin is very dry from medications I have to take, and OTC products don’t last very long.
Would love to try this out….I’m experiencing my first winter in the Midwest, and I could use some help keeping moisturized!
I’ve heard good things about these bars – I think I’d try Lemongrass!
What an exciting product & company! I’d pick Lemongrass… hoping it’d be all natural & not a manufactured scent, of course! I’ve been around a few goats, gazillion gallons of goatsmilk & some rather *strong & GOATY* aroma’ed homemade soaps … hoping this has a lighter background!! 😀
Yes, definitely unscented! Lotion bars are wonderful!!
This sounds like a lotion bar I purchased at Pike’s Market in Seattle. I would like to buy some from you now. Sounds lovely.