I’ve been playing/futzing/incessantly changing the pattern mock-up. It’s important that it be good enough. Not necessarily perfect, but good enough. I accepted too low of a bar last time and it made things harder for all patterns moving forward – so I’ve pushed and figured things out.
This mock-up gives you a good sense of what I’m thinking.
And now I ask you – what do you think? Does it work for you? Did I miss something big?
A few things I wanted from the new design:
- One page for the whole pattern – no more separation of images, charts and schematics.
- I’ll redirect the other pages so no worries about bad links.
- Overlays of the images so they’re small until you want them big.
- And they’re not the dreaded Pop Up.
- And they’re shareable right from the overlay.
- But I’m not too sure about those icons.
- Good readability (duh).
- Pretty easy to lay out when I need to create new patterns. They patterns took a lot of time in the old site and I know I need to reduce that to make this sustainable.
- Print-friendly – I still have some work to do on this one. It’s decent but it’s not *there* yet.
So what do you think? And what did I miss? I’m sure I’ll get some conflicting feedback (which is French for “I can’t please everyone”) but I should get close.
Knit Smarter!
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