Shade: shelter (as by foliage) from the heat and glare of sunlight.
Shade: a disembodied spirit or ghost.
While my back garden isn’t huge by any means, I am lucky enough to have several large trees about halfway between my house and my back fence. Predating the construction of my house, they majestically shelter and shade parts of my garden allowing me to grow things in their shade that otherwise would cook in Ohio’s hot summers.
This 7/8ths of a circle shawl is in memory of one of the oak trees that once lived and provided shade in my garden. No ghosts here, just a sapling that sprouted from one of the many acorns that tree produced over its life.

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1386 yards
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About the Designer: Mary E. Rose

Mary learned to knit as a young child and it has had an impact on her life ever since. As a teen, when her friends were getting jobs at fast food restaurants, Mary worked at her LYS, where the hours and working conditions were much better.
As with many knitters, when she couldn’t find patterns for what she wanted to knit, she started designing her own.
She currently lives in Central Ohio with her three children, who also craft. She can be found on Ravelry and her blog, or with knitting needles in hand, guarding her stash.
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