Spring is a wonderful season, nature awakens after the long winter, the world around us changes from grey and white to colorful again. The days can be very warm, while late afternoons and evenings may still be a bit chilly. This shirt is an ideal companion for spring days, the strong red brightens up every day, and the shirt can be worn alone on warm days or over a long-sleeved shirt on colder days. My daughter loves knitted shirts and cannot have enough of them. Fortunately, they knit up quickly.
This shirt is worked in the round up to the armholes with a small cable-bobble pattern in the front. It is then divided and sleeves are knitted on at once. Shoulder and arm sleeves are closed by a three-needle-bind-off, so only a minimal sewing has to be done. The edging is a neat crochet edging, however, if you are not familiar with crocheting an alternative knit edging is given.
4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) years
Shown in size 10.
Hjerte Garn Blend bamboo, (70% bamboo, 30% cotton, 164 yd [150 metres] / 50g ball): Color 4501, 3 (3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5) balls. (www.hjertegarn.dk)
US #2: 24” circular
US #3: 24” circular
1 crochet hook size C/3
24 sts and 36 rows = 4” in St st using larger needle
2 markers; tapestry needle
Please see our standard list of abbreviations.
B (bobble): kfb, kfb, k, turn and knit across, turn, and purl across, turn and knit across, turn,and knit all 5 sts tog through back of loop
C1 over 3 right K: put 3 sts on cable needle behind work, k 1, k sts from cable needle
C1 over 3 left K: put 1 st on cable needle in front of work, knit 3, k st from cable needle
C1 over 2 right K: put 2 sts on cable needle behind work, k 1, k sts from cable needle
C1 over 2 left K: put 1 st on cable needle in front of work, knit 2, k st from cable needle
C1 over 1 right K: put 1 st on cable needle behind work, k 1, k st from cable needle
C1 over 1 left K: put 1 st on cable needle in front of work, knit 1, k st from cable needle
Slip Stitch Crochet (SSC): * Insert hook into stitch and draw yarn through both top loop of stitch and loop on hook without any yo, rep from * to end.
Single Crochet (SC): *Insert hook into stitch, yo, draw loop through stitch, yo, pull yo through both loops already on hook, rep from * to end.
Half Double Crochet (HDC): *Yarn over hook, insert hook into next st and draw through a loop. You have now three loops on hook. Yo again, pull it through all three loops already on hook, rep from * to end.
Reverse Single Crochet (RSC): Working from left to right, *yarn over hook, insert hook into next stitch to the right, draw through a loop. New loop will be on top of previous loop. Yarn over hook again, draw it through both loops on hook, rep from * to end.
Pattern Notes
This shirt is worked in the round up to the armholes with a small cable-bobble pattern in the front. It is then divided and sleeves are knitted on at once. Shoulder and sleeves are closed by a three-needle-bind-off, so only minimal sewing is needed. The edging is a neat crochet edging, however, if you are not familiar with crocheting an alternative knit edging is given.
If you decide to do the knit edging, you may want to replace the hem and eyelet border at the bottom of the body by 4 rows in garter stitch.
Using the long tail cast on method, CO 150 (154, 158, 166, 170, 174, 178) sts onto smaller circular needle, pm for beginning of rnd. Knit 10 rnds, then knit one rnd in eyelet pattern: yo, k2tog. Knit one rond, change to larger needles, knit one rnd.
Begin Cable-Bobble-Pattern: K 32 (33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39), work Cable-Bobble-Pattern over next 11 sts, k32 (33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39), pm for end of front, k to end of rnd. Cont patt as est until piece measures 8 (9, 9.25, 10, 10.75, 11.25, 12)”. Divide sts in half, put front 75 (77, 79, 83, 85, 87, 89) sts onto spare needle or waste yarn. Cont working back of shirt.
Work back and forth in St st.
Row 1 (WS): Purl
Begin sleeve cast on, working cast on at both beginning and end of row as follows using backward loop method:
Sizes 4- 6: CO 4 sts twice, 2 sts once
Sizes 7 – 8: CO 4 sts twice, 3 sts once, 2 sts once
Sizes 9 – 10: CO 4 sts twice, 3 sts twice, 2 sts once.
After sleeve CO you will have 95 (97, 99, 109, 111, 119, 121) sts.
Cont in St st until piece measures 13 (14, 14.75, 15.5, 15.25, 17, 17.75)” from CO, ending with a WS row.
Begin neck shaping
K 32 (33, 33, 37, 38, 41, 41), BO 31 (31, 33, 35, 35, 37, 39) sts, k 32 (33, 33, 37, 38, 41, 41). Finish two sides of neck opening separately. Dec 1 st on each side of neck opening by k2tog. Put remaining 31 (32, 32, 36, 37, 40, 40) sts on waste yarn or spare needle when piece measures 13.5 (14.5, 15.25, 16, 16.75, 17.5, 18.25)“ from eyelet row.
Put sts from separate needle or waste yarn back onto larger needle. Work back and forth in St st and cont working Cable-Bobble-Pattern over middle 11 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl
Begin sleeve cast on, working cast on at both beginning and end of row as follows using backward loop method:
Sizes 4- 6: CO 4 sts twice, 2 sts once
Sizes 7 – 8: CO 4 sts twice, 3 sts once, 2 sts once
Sizes 9 – 10: CO 4 sts twice, 3 sts twice, 2 sts once.
After sleeve CO you will have 95 (97, 99, 109, 111, 119, 121) sts.
Continue in St st until piece measures 12.5 (13.5, 13.75, 14.5, 15, 15.5, 16.25)”, then k 40 (41, 42, 46, 47, 51, 51), BO 15 (15, 15, 17, 17, 17, 19) sts, k 40 (41, 42, 46, 47, 51, 51).
Finish two sides of neck opening separately. Work dec/BO on each side of neck opening as follows:
Sizes 4 – 5: BO 3 sts once, BO 2 sts twice, dec 1 st once
Sizes 6 – 8: BO 3 sts once, BO 2 sts twice, dec 1 st twice
Sizes 9 – 10: BO 3 sts once, BO 2 sts twice, dec 1 st three times.
Work straight until piece measures 13.5 (14.5, 15.25, 16, 16.75, 17.5, 18.25)” from eyelet row.
Return sts held for back onto spare needle onto and close shoulder / sleeve seam using the three-needle-bind-off.
Sew together little openings at underarm.
Simple Crochet Neck and Sleeve Edging
(shown on pictures with kerchief)
Join yarn to right front neck with RS fasing and using a crochet hook, work 1 row of single crochet around neck opening. With RS still facing, work 1 row of reverse single crochet around neck opening.
Join yarn to lower sleeve seam and with RS facing and using a crochet hook, work 1 row of single crochet around sleeve opening. With RS still facing, work 1 row of reverse single crochet around sleeve opening. Repeat for second sleeve.
Picot Crochet Neck and Sleeve Edging
(shown on pictures with light blue shirt underneath)
Neck: Join yarn to right front neck with RS facing and using a crochet hook, work 1 row of single crochet around neck opening. With RS still facing, work 2 rows of half double crochet around neck opening. With RS still facing work one row as follows: *single crochet into next stitch, work three chain sts, work a slip stitch into single crochet stitch at base of chain stitch, work single crochet into next stitch, repeat from * to end.
Sleeves: Join yarn to lower sleeve seam and with RS facing and using a crochet hook, work 1 row of single crochet around sleeve opening. With RS still facing, work 1 row as follows: *single crochet into next stitch, work three chain sts, work a slip stitch into single crochet stitch at base of chain stitch, work single crochet into next stitch, rep from * to end.
Weave in all ends. Fold hem to inside and sew down.
Alternative knit edging
(not shown in pictures)
Neck: Pick up 64 (66, 70, 70, 76, 78, 80) sts around neck opening and work 8 rows in garter stitch. Bind off loosely.
Sleeve: Pick up 60 (60, 62,62, 62, 64, 64) sts around sleeve opening and work 8 rows in garter stitch. Bind off loosely. Repeat for second sleeve.
About the Designer: Sabine Riefler
SaRi has been a knitter for over 20 years now. She admits being a knitting addict and is thankful for audiobooks, because reading is her second major free-time occupation. Her musings on knitting can be read on her blog: www.sarismindfulknitting.blogspot.com!
Pattern and images © 2009 Sabine Riefler.
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